"We are now doing relaxation together, but more importantly it has solidified us as a team and changed the dialogue between us. I'm closer to my husband in this process, I feel empowered and excited to go into labour, and I feel we have a tool kit of strategies to have a positive experience."
What is Hypnobirthing?
and will it work for me?
Hypnobirthing focuses on instilling confidence and calmness during pregnancy to prepare you and your partner for a positive birth experience. It is much more than just breathing techniques and mindfulness, it is an in-depth look into what our bodies are doing during labour and birth and the incredible science behind the journey to meeting your baby.
Hypnobirthing is a useful tool for all births - so whether you are planning a Homebirth or Abdominal Birth the techniques and education you will learn will create a positive and informed experience for you and your birth partner.
What is Birth and Breathe?
A little bit about me
I am a practising Midwifery Sister, Antenatal Class Teacher, Hypnobirthing Teacher and also trained in Aromatherapy in Childbirth and Biomechanics for Birth; based in Surrey.
I think that I have the most privileged job in the world and I want to share my positive experiences and knowledge as a practising Midwife so that every mother-to-be can have the birth she wants.
Birth and Breathe stands out against other Hypnobirthing courses as it has been developed and is taught by an experienced Midwife with a passion for normality and women's choice. I am KGH trained (Royal College of Midwives accredited course) and I aim to promote a positive, peaceful and calm birth with a focus on instilling confidence and knowledge between couples as they embark on their journey as new parents. My goal is to educate and empower women in pregnancy with 3 main themes:
safe and healthy outcomes
a positive birth
an informed birth
Each and every birth is unique and special, and I would love to support you through your pregnancy to feel empowered during the birth of your baby.
Katie x

What's a Postnatal Doula?
Are you worried about how you will cope after birth and life with a new baby? It can be overwhelming and exhausting adjusting as a new parent. This is where a Postnatal Doula can help! A doula offers that support and guidance in the first few weeks and months with a newborn. Whether this is supporting with feeding and caring for your newborn, helping around the house or cooking delicious meals, they are there to take the pressure off and remind you what an incredible job you're doing. If you would like to chat more about booking this service click here or head straight here to book!
Find out more

Whether you'd like a One-Off Session or a full course, there will be a Hypnobirthing Package for you. Click here to browse the courses available.
Steffan Powell
Insightful and reassuring, and really helped us to feel empowered and confident ahead of the birth of our first baby.

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Digital Birth Preparation Course
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My perceptions of what it means to give birth to a child has changed. This is my second baby and I feel I lost a lot of control during the birth of my first. What this course did was give me the confidence to own the birth of my baby in every possible way.

Joe Wicks

Without doubt having the sessions with Katie, and the whole process of staying calm and the positive mindset, had a massive influence on Rosie's labour but also Indie coming into the world. She's a very calm baby and I truly believe that it's helped.